self-love fridays

love is real. love is our birthright. to love ourselves completely is to open to the possibility of truly loving and caring for each other and our planet.

join us fridays in april and may for ease-saturated yoga, self-care practices and tea.

each session will include ease-filled yoga led by Kelly Sunrose as well as a rotating gallery of self-care experts sharing their self-care practices. each gathering will close with tea and the opportunity to connect for the half-hour following the class.

4/3 energy medicine with Melina Donalson
4/10 aromatherapy with Kevin Putnam
4/17 exploring the power of the dark goddess with Morgan Wade
4/24 kirtan with Johanna Beekman
5/1 ayurvedic self-care with Danielle Hanna
5/8 new moon soul collage with Meghan Bursiek
5/22 sound healing with Kelly Sunrose
5/28 creating your self-care ritual

9-10:30am at Be Nourished. 3719 N Williams.

$12 drop-in, $80 for all 8 sessions (no class may 15).

register for the series here.

Self-Love Fridays// Energy Medicine with Melina Donalson