Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT

Samadhi Rush Episode 167// Take Care of You

Beloved you,

One of the hardest lessons for me to learn/ know in my bones: just because I can do something doesn’t mean I should do it. As with most of the more subtle work of yoga, this lesson sounds so simple, so obvious on the skin of its surface, but to really know it required so much diving into the belly of my practice. For so many years, I thought doing the most hard, most punishing things possible was the most admirable way to live. And I pushed and punished myself like a champion (of course). There were murmurs, however, deep within the pulsing blood in my veins, however, that even though I could definitely do hard things, maybe not doing them all the time was a fuller, richer, more wholesome way to live (those words don’t quite do the feeling justice, but such is the limit of language, you know?).

Fall is the time when I really and truly re-commit to the care of my-self. It’s a fast, dry, windy time, both atmospherically and energetically. Through the lens of Ayurveda, the Indian science of wellness, I tend toward the dosha Vata (windy, flighty, dry– in body and energy), and the combination of me plus Vata Autumn can lead to too much everything, resulting in a pile of exhaustion after major burnout. (Anyone else feel this way?) Every fall, then, this opportunity to instead choose to care for myself arises. And I take it. I choose to experience exactly what I am feeling, and to do the things I have found to nourish rather than deplete myself this time of year.

We talk about that a bit in this episode. And we make some tiny movements toward a therapeutic head-stand.

(Later this week, I’ll be sharing my tips for nourishing through the dry, windy fall in my newsletter. Sign up here to receive that and so much other nourishment. It’s a twice monthly newsletter, so I won’t clog up your inbox, promise.)

To those of you who joined in The At-Home Retreat: THANK YOU! My greatest joy is making useful things for people I adore. Thanks for letting me do that. If you have notes from this experience, be sure to email me: To join us next time, sign up here.

LOVE you.


Keep in touch. Stay close. I love you, and I love hearing from you.


If you enjoy this podcast, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation (scroll down for all of the options:sweet-heart, soul-heart, beloved & moon of my life) to help pay the bills (web-hosting, audio-hosting, recording equipment, etc.). I am grateful for your contributions. They allow me to continue to do the work I love here for the people I love (you). xo


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Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose// Table Pose// Chakravakasana



Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose// Cat Pose Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose// Cow Pose

Lateral spinal flexion and extension

Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose// Side-lengthen// Lateral stretch

Downward dog

Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT// Adho Mukha Svanasana// Downward Dog

Runner’s lunge

Samadhi Rush// Kelly Sunrose Yoga// Online Yoga Practice// Dynamic lunge


Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT


Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT

Twisting low-lunge

Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT

Ride the wave from down-dog to plank

Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT// Adho Mukha Svanasana// Downward DogSamadhi Rush// Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT// Rounding Plank

Asymmetrical devotional

The 5-Pose Practice with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT


The 5-Pose Practice with Kelly Sunrose// Samadhi Rush

Martha Graham/ Starburst

Kelly Sunrose Yoga// Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga// Martha Graham Pose


Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose// Table Pose// Chakravakasana


Sunrose Yoga Podcast// Bhaktasana// Free Online Yoga

Virabhadrasana 1

Sunrose Yoga Podcast// Free Online Yoga with Kelly Connor Sunrose// virabhadrasana1

Virabhadrasana 3

Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT


Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT

Forearm table// Forearm plank Glides

Sunrose Yoga Podcast/ Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose/ Sunrose Yoga Podcast/ Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose/

Forearm table// Forearm plank Sags

Sunrose Yoga Podcast/ Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose/ Sunrose Yoga Podcast/ Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose/

Foot stretch


3-Block Sirsasana

Sunrose Yoga Podcast/ Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose/

Supported fish

Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT

Marut// Lightening & Thunder// Nature is wild & serene; so am I.

From The Radiance Sutras, by Lorin Roche.

Setu bandha sarvangasana with arms in cactus

Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT

Hug & sway

Kelly Sunrose shares full-length, subtle realm yoga classes on her podcast, Samadhi Rush. Join us for deep, spacious practice. Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Classes with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT

Happy baby

hatha yoga


Savasana// Die a little everyday